Divi Tips n°135 : Divi Ai

Divi AI: Artificial intelligence arrives in Divi!

Updated on 04/06/23

788 words

3 minutes of reading

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Artificial intelligence is fashionable, most of the tools that are used daily incorporates a small functionality here and there to allow us to save time and Divi does not derogate from the rule! Divi AI arrives in the Visual Builder.

Divi AI: Official announcement

Every month, Nick Roach makes an official announcement to inform users of the progress of Divi 5. We'd all like it to go faster., but I guess it can't be done with a finger slap!

In its article and in his video published on June 1, 2023, he explains that Divi 5 is already functional and that it is "very fast", but that the Public Beta is not yet open.

He also explains – And it didn't fall into the ear of a deaf woman – that next to this, part of the team is preparing an update Very sexy for Divi 4: Implementing artificial intelligence.

Nick Roach announced this for next month, so July 2023 (or maybe during June ?)

What we see in this video is not a great novelty, we could expect! Other tools developed by third-party companies already offer this functionality, such as Divi Supreme for example (see here).

How to use Divi AI

Obviously, nothing sorcerer, everything happens in the Visual Builder:

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Generate text with the AI directly in the Divi Visual Builder

For example, to generate automatic text, just click on the small "AI" icon and you will find some options to:

  • Automatically regenerate text
  • Shorten or lengthen text
  • Simplify language or change tone
  • etc.

ChatGPT Being fashionable, one does not feel lost in this use of artificial intelligence and I imagine that this feature will help some users in search of productivity or lack of imagination.

Just as you can generate images with artificial intelligence :

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Generate an image with the AI directly in the Divi Visual Builder

The operation is the same: just insert a Image module within your layout and click on the AI icon to describe your image and ask the AI to generate it for you.

Is Divi AI a free service?

By reading the comments under Nick Roach's video on YouTube, I was able to access some additional and interesting information. In particular, a user asking if Divi AI will be paid, here is the official answer:

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Of course, the answer is quite clear: since Divi AI has an operating cost for ElegantThemes, this feature cannot be given for free, but it will be based on a very affordable freemium model. That's pretty good news.

Is Divi AI available in several languages?

It is also a question that has been asked: Will artificial intelligence implemented in the manufacturer only be proposed in English? ... Obviously, Divi AI supports multiple languages.

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Does Divi AI allow to build an entire layout?

Another relevant question was the possibility of using artificial intelligence to go further than the generation of texts or images. Understood, Will Divi AI build full layouts, even the entire site 🤪 ?

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The answer is quite clear: Divi AI will initially propose the construction of content within a module – and eventually, the construction of "broader" elements, so one can imagine the construction of an entire layout.

What's next?

I think we're at the dawn of a new era! Soon, we will no longer need to master some complex techniques to achieve great things!

"Create me a page with a gradient background, from green to yellow, composed of 4 sections, etc."

Can you imagine that the creation of a site could (very) soon be based on the writing of simple prompts?

This is certainly what the construction of websites will look like in a few months...

Everything's going very fast! GPT2 has existed since 2019 and GPT3 since 2020, but it was only in 2023 that everything accelerated with the arrival of ChatGPT and an API allowing developers to easily implement this language model within their products... WordPress extensions take advantage of this opportunity!

I can't wait to see the rest, can you?

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  1. Daniele MUTEL
  2. Jean-Paul MONEDI
  3. Lycia Diaz
  4. Cj-envadrouille
  5. Lycia Diaz
  6. Herve H
  7. Lycia Diaz

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