divi tips 131

Should we give up the Divi theme or wait for Divi 5.0?

Updated on 16/11/22

1504 words

6 minutes of reading

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With the arrival of WordPress 6.1 and the growing number of ESF compatible "new generation" themes, some freelancers using Divi on a daily basis to build their customers' site have asked this question "Do we have to abandon Divi for a theme based on blocks? ». Some even contacted about this. Let's talk about this in this article...

1 – What is a "block-based theme"?

Before going further, it would be nice to talk a little about these new generation themes which have been introduced since version 5.9 of WordPress.

Indeed, since January 2022, when we install a new WordPress site, a "Block Theme» is enabled by default (Twenty Twenty Two, Twenty Twenty Three...), it is a theme that allows to create the entire site with Gutenberg blocks (native WordPress editor).

I'm not going to explain everything in detail, but if you want to go further, I invite you to read the article that I had published at the release of WordPress 5.9.

So if we figure it out, Block-based themes allow to place Gutenberg blocks from all over the site : main content, header, footer, etc. But they also allow create any model of the site directly from the Site Editor (page template, article templates, page 404 template, etc.). Hence the term ESF, for Full Site Editing.

2 - What is the difference between the ESF and the Divi Builder Theme?


Finally, none on paper, but a lot in the UX (user experience). Since the exit of the Divi Theme Builder In 2019, this tool grew, users had time to own it. And then you have to admit: Divi is very intuitive, and her Theme Builder too!

So to summarize: one can finally edit a WordPress site entirely (without having to use a tool such as Divi or Elementor) since January 2022, provided you use a block-based theme that supports ESF functionality. To discover the list of compatible themes, appointment here.

3 – What happens to Divi?

The question is: then become the +10.000 themes that were built before the arrival of WordPress 5.9 – such as Divi?

Don't panic! They continue to work and as long as they are maintained by their developers, there will be no fears to have.

Since the arrival of Block Themes, the "old" can be considered to be classical themes. Divi is therefore a classic theme.

And what you need to understand is that a classic theme cannot evolve into a block-based theme, because they don't really use the same file architecture, nor the same language within some files (PHP vs HTML)...

So, what will become of Divi?

4 – A waiting Divi 5.0...

To be honest with you, I was hoping that Divi 5.0 would come out in summer 2021.. I was so sure, that I had already prepared a draft article on Divi Tips, ready to complete it and draw it when the time came.

divi 5 expected output
Divi 5.0 expected since July 2021

And then I realized that Divi 5.0 was going to be very complicated to understand for the developers of ElegantThemes:

1 Should they develop a brand new "new generation" Divi theme that would incorporate a ESF into the Divi sauce – and in this case, what about the old Divi and millions of sites that rely on it?

2 Or, continue to develop "quillou bilou" theme Divi and its builders, which we know and master.

Big dilemma...

But what I understand is that WordPress has evolved at high V speed since 2018 and that third-party tool publishing companies have certainly tuned to reinvent themselves and keep pace. And some are still trimenting...

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5 - A brand new Divi 5.0 for 2023

That's what we promised Nick Roach in its latest publication entitled "Let's talk about Divi 5.0 and his future« .

In summary, here's what we can remember...

A zero recast

This is the choice that ElegantThemes made: reconstruct the theme Divi from zero. A bold choice, because sown and very long. The main objectives are:

  • remove technical debt
  • use current new technologies
  • significantly improve performance
  • moving in the same direction as WordPress

The development of true API

Some companies have managed to create additional modules for Divi but the current API is not very permissive. As a result, developers of third party plugins for Divi encounter complications, it's quite difficult.

With Divi 5.0, a new API will emerge, a real API. This will allow developers to easily create what they want. I'm so looking forward to seeing this new wave of expansions dedicated to Divi happen

Divi 5.0: a "hybrid" theme?

As explained by Nick Roach, it would seem to understand that Divi 5.0 will be halfway between a classic theme and a block-based theme.

This would explain the difficulty of this new development so that sites using Divi 4.x.x can pass without encumbering to Divi 5.0. A smooth and transparent transition.

No new features

Divi 5.0 will be a major update, but for once there will be no new features. « Some surprises here and there » Promise Nick Roach. But nothing fundamentally new!

The real novelty, you'll understand, is a compatibility (or pseudo-compatibility) with the WordPress ESF while ensuring backward compatibility with old sites.

And this is great news!

Yes, if ElegantThemes had decided to create a brand new Divi that would not be compatible with the old versions, the transition (migration) of the old sites to this new theme would have been the responsibility of the users... of us, what! This would have been easier for them, of course, but they would certainly have lost the confidence of users.

Adios shortcodes!

You may never have noticed it, but if you disable Divi to use another theme or constructor, you will see a whole bunch of shortcodes left by the Divi Builder.

Let's not forget, Divi is 10 years old, and at the time, it was probably a correct way to design this kind of tool. Since then, Divi has continued to grow with this, which has contributed to this technical debt.

Finish! It is assured, the new Divi 5.0 will be built with today's technos: React and company, those used by Gutenberg... It's pretty promising and reassuring.

An identical user interface

Divi 5.0 will be delivered with the same user interface. You will find everything as before! This is good news because you won't have to reform or learn to use a new tool.

Obviously, everything was thought out to avoid most user-side friction and frustration. That's very clever.

A little more patience

I was waiting for Divi 5 in 2021. And then in 2022 too. I contacted ElegantThemes to find out what was going on... Here is an excerpt from my email sent on November 1, 2022:

mail 1
Email addressed to ElegantThemes on 01/11/2022

Basically, I was asking them where it was and if we could get some information to get under the tooth.

On November 11, 2022, I received a reply email informing of the publication of a full article on the blog of ElegantThemes, containing a video of Nick Roach explaining to the community backwards the decor of this big project...

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ElegantThemes reply on 11/02/22

For reasons of confidentiality, I masked some passages as well as the name of the person I exchanged with.

To sum up, it was written about the same as in the official article, but above all, I noted two very important sentences:

  1. "Our team improves some things to ensure better compatibility, but ultimately, Divi and Extra will support ESF. »
  2. "As Nick I has mentioned, it will take a while, But it'll be worth it.. »

I think that's the good news we were waiting for...

6 - In conclusion: should we wait for Divi 5.0?

I assure you, for my part, I'm not going to migrate to another theme.

Not only am I a fan of Divi, as you must know. But also because I'm lazy and I don't want to spend hours migrating from Divi sites to new themes – UNITLY – while the work will be done for us when the new version comes out.

So just wait and be patient.

However, Nick referred to "2023"... And a year is 12 months! So, are we gonna wait a few weeks, or months? The future will tell us.

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