This article is fast but can save your asses "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later » or in English "An unknown error has occupied. Please try again later » or "Non-existent changeset UUID". I'll explain why and how to fix this bug.
1 – The Divi Theme Builder does not charge
You're beautiful. attempt to activate the Divi Builder Theme but it is impossible to access the changes. The Theme Builder does not load…
Worse still, Visual Builder is even more available...
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2 – Message: "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later »
This message is different from bug about Divi recording problems.
Indeed, the message "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later » intervenes after several seconds/minutes of attempt to open Divi's Theme Builder.
More specifically, in French, the message is noted in this way: « An unknown error occurred. Please try again later. » With a problem encoding at the apostrophic level. Anyway...
You don't know how many attempts you've made. it is impossible to load Divi's Theme Builder 😤
If this is your case, let's look at the following point...
Did you know that? You can test Divi for free by visiting on this page and by clicking on "TRY IT FOR FREE"
3 – Message "Non-existent changeset UUID"
Now I invite you to go to the tab Appearance > Customize. If the message "Non-existent changeset UUID" appears, it is that the two problems are related.
This means that the same bug simultaneously prevents Theme Builder and the Theme personnalizer to function.
4 - An error in website address!
It is often said that WordPress bug or Divi bug but it is not always the fault of the software! Behind these software, there are humans who sometimes make mistakes...
And this Divi Theme Builder non-load error probably was caused... by you (or your client)!
The answer to the problem is:
Go to tab Settings > General and check if you (or your client) have not changed Website address in the dedicated field.
If so, return to initial values and everything will be in order immediately.
This error is therefore due to the different URLs entered in both fields. In this case, here the error comes from the fact that the www was added to one of the 2 URLs.
For my part, I never touch these two fields ( WordPress web address and website address) manually. I've always had bad experiences with it. And that's what I advise my students and clients: never touch these parameters.
That's why I discovered the message "Non-existent changeset UUID" for the first time a few days ago while I have been using WordPress for years... It's one of my clients that j who encountered this mistake. After a few investigations, we repaired the Divi Theme Builder Could have refunctioned correctly. Oh, my God!
This misadventure can happen and it is for this reason that I publish this article today, it could serve someone! Have you ever seen him?
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