Many of you have been contacting me lately to tell me that the Divi Builder in backoffice was no longer available since the update of WordPress 5.
Indeed, this is the case, the Divi Builder as we have known "no longer exists".
However, ElegantTheme provided an option in its settings to continue to use the Divi Builder back office.
In this brief article, I suggest you discover how to find the old version of the Divi Builder and its "new backend".
1 – Why continue to use the Divi Builder back office?
If you discover Divi for the first time after December 6, 2018, you certainly wonder why users would like to continue using the old version of this page builder...
Since the update of WordPress 5, the editor has changed, leading with him to adapt some extensions like the Divi Builder.
Then why do you want "Do as before" ?
Certainly because the visual version of the edition is not always adequate or because some users simply do not want to change their habit. The Divi Builder was one of the few manufacturers that could be used in front or back.
But beyond that, it is important to have access to the old Divi Builder for a period of transition during which users can switch. This also helps to correct some malfunctions that may appear with the use of Visual Builder.
Also read: 10 good reasons to choose the theme Divi
2 - How to edit a page with the old Divi Builder?
For use the old version of the Divi Builder, the Divi theme added an option in its settings. Go to Divi > Theme Options > Creator > Advanced and activate the last option as shown in the following video.
This option provides the same functionality as the Classic Editor plugin. So you don't no need to add this plugin if you use the theme Divi.
3 – For more information...
The release of WordPress 5 caused a lot of ink to sink. I suggest you discover a selection of articles about this from the official blog of ElegantTheme:
Merci Lycia, grâce à ton tuto je viens de retrouver mon ancien builder qui m’a permis de rajouter une page/catégorie à mon blog …. ouf, j’ai bien galéré !!
Merci Christine 😉
Bonjour, j’ai bien été dans les paramètres divi et créateur pour essayer de retrouver l’ancienne editeur, mais je n’ai pas la possibilité de choisir et de cliquer sur « switch back to classic divi builder » donc je suis bien en backoffice mais avec le nouveau builder ? avez vous une solution ?
Bonjour Parrot. Je viens de vous envoyer une explication détaillée par email.
Je n’ai pas divi dans mon tableau de bord
Je ne comprends pas
Du coup j’ai pu créer la page accueil de mon site mais je suis bloquée pour continuer
Avez vous svp une astuce ?
C’est à dire « tu n’as pas Divi » ?
Merci pour votre retour si rapide. J’ai vu avec l’information qui m’a installé divi sur WordPress et enfin j’ai accès aux fonctionnalités de divi par le tableau de bord!
Bonjour, je suis désolé. c’est la première fois que cela m’arrive mais le bouton activer le visual builder n’existe pas sur le site pourtant j’ai bien installer dIVI
Salut Ludivine tu as toujours le problème ? Cela arrive sur toutes tes pages ?