Pourquoi choisir le thème Divi

Divi theme: 10 good reasons to choose it!

Updated on 12/07/2021 | Published on 29/09/2017 | 17 comments

1,518 words


But why is the Divi theme so popular with bloggers, developers, freelancers and web agencies ? It could almost annoy, couldn't it?

To be honest, when I first discovered WordPress, I was only familiar with the free themes, those available in the Appearance > Themes and I quickly became aware of the limits imposed by the free themes...

So I started using premium themes bought on the Themeforest platform. Not only is it not cheap, but there is a lot of sorting to do! You can find everything there!

Some good and some not so good (to be nice), without forgetting the numerous bugs during the updates and especially, this damn (sorry for the term) Visual Composer embedded in the majority of these premium themes, which does not want to update itself in due time and which can then constitute a security flaw...

In short, I was really fed up, until one day a developer told me about Divi by ElegantThemes. What is it? Without wasting a minute, I try it and then everything becomes clear, or almost...

In this article, I propose to discover why I chose to work with this WordPress theme. Here is the program:

  1. A Lifetime licence
  2. Everything included in the licence
  3. The Divi Builder
  4. The Design Initiative
  5. Easy to maintain
  6. Infinite customisation
  7. The advantage of importing and exporting layouts
  8. The library
  9. The community
  10. Tons of resources

Announcement: this article contains affiliate links that you will easily recognise. The classic links are in purple and sponsored links are in pink.

Need to master Divi? Discover my training which will guide you step by step in the understanding and use of Divi! Learn more about Divi training.

Reason #1: Divi offers a lifetime license!

In my opinion, this is the number one reason for its success. The ElegantThemes platform has got it right!

While everyone else is offering monthly subscriptions, they are swimming against the tide and it is good for them.

To cut a long story short, Divi is a premium theme available under a yearly license for $89 or you can opt for a lifetime license for $249, which you pay only once and can use on an unlimited number of projects.

When you see that on ThemeForest, you can buy a theme for between 50€ and 90€ and that the license is included for a single project, the calculation is quickly made: freelancers or web agencies are largely winners by choosing to work with this tool!

Read more about the price of the Divi theme and get comparisons with other WordPress themes. You will be surprised!

Reason #2: the Divi theme and all that comes with it...

As you can see, if you design sites regularly, you will earn money with the licence offered by ElegantThemes.

The license, whether annual or lifetime, gives you access to all the themes and extensions available on the platform: Divi, Extra, Bloom and Monarch !

This will satisfy the needs of all web designers.

I use Divi exclusively. The theme Extra is rather "blog magazine" oriented and seems less flexible.

Reason #3: the famous Divi Builder

And what an argument this Divi Builder is!

The Divi Builder is an extension that can be used with any WordPress theme. However, it is already included in Divi and Extra.

In order to avoid confusion, I suggest that you discover the differences between Divi and the Divi Builder.

It is a page builder, also called Page Builder. It is a sort of competitor to Visual Composer or Elementor, to name but a few...

Read also: the Divi vs. Elementor comparison

With the Divi Builder, you can build your pages or articles with complex layouts, sections or columns without any effort.

Read this article to better understand how the Divi Builder works within Divi and WordPress.

In addition, since version 3.0, the Divi Builder offers a Front-End experience, meaning you can edit your pages on the fly, while seeing your changes directly. This new feature is a huge time saver for web designers.

Read also: how to continue to use the Divi Builder in the back-end since WordPress 5.0.x?

Reason #4: "the Divi Design Initiative

The Divi Design Initiative has been set up to provide Divi users with hundreds of pre-designed layout packs which will save you a lot of time when creating your web pages.

These layouts are ready-made layouts that you can download directly from your page with the Divi Builder active.

To benefit from these advantages, you must, of course, be in possession of an active licence, and you must enter your API key in the Update tab theme settings.

Reason #5: ease of maintenance

If you are a user of premium themes available on Themeforest, you may have noticed that some themes are difficult to update automatically, some even require you to manually install the embedded plugins (via FTP)...

This is really not good for your customers or even for you.

Unlike ThemeForest, Divi offers a gateway that allows you to enter its API to update your theme with a single clickIt's a real pleasure!

This is also one of the reasons why I regularly make website redesigns with Divi.

Did you know that you can test Divi for free? Go to this page and click on "TRY IT FOR FREE

Reason #6: A treat to customize!

This theme is relatively easy to customize from the administration but also via a Child Theme.

The code is easy to read and modify even if you're not an expert in development, the proof is that I can do it myself!

Discover all my tutorials for customising Divi.

Divi natively allows you to add custom codeIf this is not enough, you can rely on extensions for Divi that will allow you to go further in the customisation of your site.

Moreover, since the emergence of the Theme Builder functionality All designs are possible!

Reason #7: the ability to import and export layouts

A "layout" is the English word for "page layout", as we have already discussed.

When building a page via the Divi Builder, it is possible to import or export this Divi layout.

This is a huge time saver:

  • You will be able to export a layout built in site A and import it into site B,
  • You will be able to save a layout in your library and use it later, within the same site
  • You can use a layout built by a designer and insert it into your site
  • etc.

Reason #8: The Divi Library

The Divi library will allow you to save a layout that you have just built in your site in order to use it later (as seen in the previous chapter).

In a few clicks you can use your own layouts without having to duplicate your page or article.

This technique is similar to the import/export of layouts but internally and will save you precious time.

Not to mention that this library can also be used to save a page or a A/B Testing.

Reason #9: The incredible Divi community

Since Divi is a very popular theme, a real community is built around it!

If you are stuck or looking for an answer to one of your questions, you will easily find help. By choosing this theme, you are not ALONE, unlike many other WordPress themes.

Of course, you will often find tutorials in English, but on ASTUCES DIVI, you will find Divi tutorials in French AND English as well as lots of tips and resources!

Reason #10: Tons of resources.

This is a bit of a community thing... This theme has designers and developers who regularly create free resources or premiums that can be of great help for your projects.

You won't have any trouble finding Layouts and Child Themes for download on dedicated sites. You can even find free plugins for Divi.

Not convinced?

Divi is an easy theme to customise, use and maintain.

When I create sites for my clients, I am serene because there are rarely any bugs, which is not the case with all the premium themes.

But the biggest advantage is, as I told you, its LIFETIME licence.

Thanks to this, freelancers and web agencies quickly amortize the initial investment and can use it 10 or 10,000 times, it won't change, so the license is very profitable.

And let's not forget to mention the Theme Builder functionality which allows you to customise the entire site.

Need more resources on Divi? Visit the ElegantThemes blog which is full of ideas and tutorials!

10 bonnes raisosns de choisir le thème WordPress Divi
10 good reasons to choose the WordPress Divi theme - Say it on Pinterest
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17 Commentaires

  1. Florian

    Bon, ok tu m’as convaincu 😀

  2. Lycia

    Super Florian ! C’est vrai que ça peut paraître cher au début mais c’est un vrai investissement ! C’est très vite rentabilisé…

  3. Fanny


    Avec des amis, on souhaite acheté le thème Divi et créer chacun son site depuis ce thème, est-ce possible ?
    Le but est de diviser le prix par personne.

    Merci d’avance

  4. Lycia

    Oui vous pouvez. Vous vous cotisez et l’un d’entre vous commande la licence. Ensuite, vous utilisez la Clé API pour recevoir les mises à jour. Un conseil, ne donnez pas votre clé API à n’importe qui. PS je crois qu’il y a une promo en ce moment 🙂

  5. Jean-Luc

    Cela fais plus d’une semaine que je me renseigne a propos du thème Divi. et que je lit tout ce que je trouve a son propos.
    Et plus je parcours le web pour en savoir plus, plus je suis convaincu que je vais choisir ce thème.
    Merci pour vos commentaires.

  6. Allan


    Par rapport aux clients, il n’auront pas accès à mes identifiants DIVI ?
    L’ensemble des layouts est-elle assez large pour convenir au plus grand nombre ?

  7. Lycia

    Bonjour Allan. Vos identifiants Divi sont masqués. Une fois que vous les saisissez, on ne le voit pas. Du coup on ne peut pas les récupérer. Concernant les layouts, il y en a déjà beaucoup qui couvrent de nombreuses thématiques. Chaque thématique est composée de plusieurs layouts (6 à 8) pour avoir un site complet (page accueil, contact, service etc). Et comme ils sont « proactifs » chez ElegantThemes, de nouveaux packs de layouts sont ajoutés chaque mois.

  8. Julien Dumont

    Bonjour Lycia,

    J’étais très convaincu du thème DIVI en regardant ton excellent site mais maintenant que je l’ai depuis 24h, je me pose beaucoup de questions car ça ne fonctionne pas du tout…
    Je crée des pages et articles mais lorsque je publie, rien ne s’affiche… vraiment bizarre…
    Exemple : je vais sur mon tableau de bord, je vais ensuite sur article pour prendre ma page d’accueil, j’édite avec Divi, j’ajoute une simple image, je sauvegarde et je quitte le visual builder. Ensuite je visualise ma page et rien à part … J’ai tenté beaucoup de chose mais rien… je désespère un peu.
    Si tu as une idée, je suis preneur.

  9. Lycia Diaz

    Salut Julien,

    Avec plus de 550.000 licences vendues, ça se saurait si ce thème ne marchait pas 😉 … Il peut y avoir de nombreuses raisons pour que vous rencontriez des problèmes.

    Par exemple :

    – quelle version PHP utilisez-vous ? Au minimum, vous devriez être en 7.2 ou au pire en 7.0. Cela se gère depuis votre hébergeur (pas depuis WordPress).
    – ensuite, il existe un nouvel onglet dans Divi qui vous permet de voir ce qui ne va pas : onglet Divi > Support Center
    – aussi, la nouvelle version de WordPress (5.2) propose un nouvel onglet pour vérifier la santé de votre site : onglet Outils > Santé du site. Là aussi, vous pourriez trouver des infos utiles.
    – je serais vous, je DÉSACTIVERAIS tous mes plugins. Si Divi fonctionne quand tous vos plugins sont désactivés, c’est qu’il existe un conflit. Avant chaque réactivation individuelle de vos plugins, vous devez tester si Divi fonctionne. Réactivez vos plugins 1 à 1 jusqu’à trouver s’il y en a un qui fait conflit avec Divi.

    Si après tout cela, Divi ne marche toujours pas, je vous conseille de contacter directement le support Client.

    J’espère vous avoir aidé. Tenez-moi au courant !

    Bon weekend

  10. Loidon

    Bonjour je dois développer mon site pour vendre des circuits touristiques et je souhaite que les clients achètent depuis le site avec carte bleue et plus tard vendre des produits artisanaux. Quelle est la plage forme que l’on peut installer pour que cela fonctionne avec d’ici ?
    Merci je dois me décider rapidement.

  11. Lycia Diaz

    Bonjour Loidon,
    Pour vos besoins, je dirais qu’il suffit d’utiliser WordPress + Divi + WooCommerce. Pour accepter les paiements en ligne, je vous conseille la solution STRIPE qu’il faudra relier à WooCommerce.

  12. Flo

    Je suis graphiste Freelance et souhaite me lancer sur Divi pour certains de mes clients. Comment cela fonctionne t-il ? Si je prend l’abonnement à vie, puis je en faire bénéficier mes clients ? A savoir que mes clients prendront leur propre hébergeur et me transmettront leur code par la suite. Vont-il avoir également les mises à jour ?
    Merci pour votre retour

  13. Lycia Diaz

    Bonsoir Flo.
    Oui, ta licence à vie est justement faite pour ça. Tu l’achètes et tu la mets dans le site de tes clients, ainsi, ils bénéficieront des mises à jour à vie.
    À chaque nouveau projet, tu édites une nouvelle clé API que tu attribues à ton client. Ces clés API sont illimitées.
    De plus, c’est un argument commercial pour toi : tu indiques sur le devis que la licence Divi est « offerte » (valeur 250$) avec mises à jour incluse.
    C’est le seul thème WP qui propose ce type de plan et il est très intéressant pour les agences et les freelances car cette licence est vite amortie.
    Bonne continuation à toi 😉

  14. Michele

    merci pour cette mise au point
    existe t il des formations Divi et wordpress pour débutants?
    je dois faire un site vitrine en 5 mois sans vente en ligne

  15. Jean.D

    Après deux semaines je ne suis pas parvenu à installer la version Premium, malgré les conseils d’Elegant Thèmes et de mon hébergeur..


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