Divi Tips 53 : Divi French

Divi in (good) French and in 1 click : it is possible !

Updated on 03/06/24

1101 words

4 minutes of reading

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You wonder if Divi is in French ? Yes, he is! But you may be disappointed with the translation.

Indeed, the theme is translated into many languages – of which French – but the quality of the translation leaves to be desired... That's the least we can say!

This translation can sometimes confusing. English terms would be almost more intuitive!

If you too find that the French terms are sometimes incomprehensible and that it upsets you, there is a solution to this: Divi French.

Funny name for a plugin that allows to fully translate the theme Divi and its Divi Builder!

I met the creator of Divi French (Shy FX!) at last WordCamp Paris Hey! We papoted and he convinced me to test his extension.

When I came back, I didn't waste any time! I bought and tested the plugin. I'll give you a little review!

Divi French - Divi in French

In the programme of this article:

  1. Why translate a theme already translated?
  2. Divi French: How does it work?
  3. Divi French: How much does it cost?
  4. Some examples of image translation...
  5. In conclusion...

1 – Why translate a theme already translated?

That's a good question... The one you must be asking yourself: why should we pay to translate a theme that is already available in French?

In my opinion, there are many valid arguments, but here are the main ones:

  • You are starting on WordPress: When you start on this CMS, you don't understand all the ins and outs. As a result, it is difficult to understand certain options for a theme or a build page for example. If, when making configuration decisions, the options are mistranslated, we will certainly make some mistakes. We'll find it hard to understand what the theme proposes. Divi French should help you build your site, since everything is translated into "Good French", even the tooltips (these are explanations of certain options that hide under the "question mark icons").
  • You are a web agency or freelancer: You make websites for your customers and it is very important for you to deliver a good quality site, whether at front-end or back-end levels. Divi French will then be a "plus" in the marketing of your service. A big argument for customers who don't understand a word in English (and I know a lot about it!).
  • You are sharp when it comes to the French language: It irritates you when some words or terms take the place of another. You're still wondering what the module means. "post scrolling cursor" for example and you waste time when you create your layouts with the Divi Builder... In this case, Divi French will help improve your use of Divi.

Want to better sell your sites created with Divi? Master all his secrets with my training Divi Video Boost.

2 - Divi French: How does it work?

I love it when it's simple! And for that, you couldn't make it easier with a plugin!

You install Divi French on your WordPress site using Divi, you enter your API key and it works!

There is no setting to do. Divi and his Divi Builder are automatically translated. It's very appreciative.

The following is the detailed approach:

2.1 – Buy Divi French

Just go to the page Divi French official and choose the type of license that best suits you. Then complete your order.

Divi French License: Divi in French
Receive email containing download link and license key

You will receive an email that will allow you to recover extension and your license key.

2.2 - Install plugin

Since Divi French is a premium pluginIts installation differs from the free plugins found on the official WordPress directory.

install a premium plugin
Installation of premium plugin

Go to the tab JavaScript then click the button "Download an extension" (top of screen).

You can browse the files on your computer and select the folder named "wp-translations-pro.zip" – that you recovered thanks to the download link received by email after your purchase. Warning: you must upload the compressed folder (.zip).

2.3 – Enable the license key to get Divi in French (in good French)

enable API license to get Divi in English
  1. Go to tab Extensions installed
  2. Enable the FXB-Translations plugin
  3. Go to FXB-Translations tab
  4. Enter your previously received API key by email in the field provided. Accuracy: Copy only the key consisting of numbers and letters. Do not copy the entire line in bold.
  5. Click Save License
  6. A message appears: enabled license

3 – Divi French: How much does it cost?

You understand, Divi French is not free. I don't even imagine the number of hours of work that had to be asked for an extension like this!

Especially when you think about the number of monthly updates issued by ElegantThemes and that require regular update of the plugin...

Divi French is proposed under 3 licences:

rates of the plugin Divi French
The Perso license is €30 for 1 site and 1 year – the Pro license is €60 for 3 sites and 1 year – the Business license is €150 for an unlimited number of sites and for 1 year.

If you are looking for free plugins for Divi, this way !

4 - Some examples of image translation

During my test, I took the opportunity to make some comparative screenshots.

On each image of the gallery below you will find the original version of Divi on the left (pink box) and the Divi French version on the right (green box).

more resources for Divi

5 - In conclusion...

Even though I am aware of this, each WordCamp reminds me of how French-speaking WordPress community is active!

One more plugin for Divi tested and approved Hey! The simplicity of using Divi French and the quality of its translation are a real comfort every day...

However, do not confuse: Divi French allows to get a quality translation for the back office of your site – if you are looking to get a multilingual site, you will need to use an extension like Weglot.

Divi in French
Divi in "bon" français

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Discover wpLingua, my WordPress extension to translate your sites Hey! Also available from the Extensions > Add Backoffice tab.


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