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How to use the Flexbox CSS in Divi?

Updated on 16/10/23

2307 words

8 reading minutes

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It sounds crazy, but Divi has not yet integrated the CSS properties of Flexbox into its builder, or at least not in the form of options that can actually be activated for the user. This may be the case in Divi 5, but in the meantime, let me show you another way of create your Divi layouts using the Flexbox. Here we go!

1 – What is the Flexbox?

Flexbox is a powerful CSS module which allows you to easily create flexible and responsive layouts. It offers a more efficient and intuitive way of distribute the space and align the elements in a container. This can be a section, line or column of Divi.

For now, it may not talk to you, but the rest of this article will help you understand. And be reassured, no need to be web integrator or know the CSS on the fingertips for use Flexbox in Divi. Just understand how it works and use the right properties I will give you (copy/paste).

2 - The concept of parent-child

For Flexbox module The concept of parent-child must be understood.

Indeed, for activate the flexibility of a "box" (a container), you must add the property display:flex; on the parent element (container). This will allow us to obtain a lot of flexibility in the behaviour of its children's elements (items).


flexbox css

To translate this into "Divi mode," that would be:

flexbox divi

On this screenshot, we see that the line or row (row) in green is the parent elementSo the container. And that the images seem to be the children (items). But don't get me wrong, the children of the row (row) are the columns (columns) and not the modules that are placed in each column.


column line

But this Flexbox module can be implemented on any container. For example, one could activate only at the level of a column instead of the row/row.


container column

The elements within the same column could therefore be made flexible.

This property display:flex; can therefore be placed on the parent element of your choice. It could be a section of Divi (blue, violet or orange section), even if it is usually used on lines or columns.


  • If you place the flexbox on a section, the child elements will be lines/ranges
  • If we put the flexbox on a line, the child elements will be the columns
  • If you place the flexbox on a column, the child elements will be the modules (texts, images, icons, etc.)

I hope I didn't lose you with these little theoretical explanations, but essential... Let us now move on with more concrete explanations.

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3 – How to activate the flexbox on Divi?

As you may have understood, to activate this flexible behavior, you must add the property display: flex; on the right container. And for that, Divi offers us various possibilities in its options for add code All over the place!

3.1 – Manually on appropriate containers

Let's take the example of the 3 icon modules that I have added in the same column:

divi flexbox display flex
  1. By default, each icon is placed one below the other within the same column.
  2. Go to tab Advanced > Customize CSS > Main Element to add the property display: flex;
  3. Immediately, you will notice that the children's elements of the column – the items – behave in a fluid way and position themselves next to each other.

It is a very interesting behavior and you will soon understand why.

3.2 – The specific case of lines/ranges

There is a particular case for which Divi automatically adds the property display:flex;, which prevents us from adding it manually. This is when you check the option "harmonize column heights» within the settings of a line (range).

This option, you may use it sometimes because it is very useful in some cases. So without knowing it, you use the Divi Flexbox.

For example, when you apply a background color to the various columns in a row and the contents are not the same size, the visual rendering is not optimal, as can be seen below:


The flexbox also solves this type of "problem"!

native flexbox
  1. You can activate the native flexbox from tab Style parameters of the line (range). Just enable the option "harmonize column heights« .
  2. If this option is not enabled, you can add the property display:flex; directly to the tab Advanced > Customize CSS > Main Element.
  3. It is either one or the other. In both cases, the height of the columns will be equal, regardless of the size of the content of each column.

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4 - The properties for the flexbox container and their behavior

But it's not over! The magic of the Flexbox Don't stop there!

Indeed, for now, you may find it difficult to understand the benefit use Flexbox in Divi. But the rest will delight you!

4.1 – Flex direction

This makes it possible to change the behaviour of the direction of the child elements on two axes and their opposite.

Flex direction
  1. For example, I added 3 text modules within the same column. By default, the modules are stacked.
  2. If we add the property display:flex; directly to the tab Advanced > Customize CSS > Main Element parameters of the column (not of the line), the elements are fluid, you understood.
  3. But if we now add the property flex-direction:row-reverse; It is noted that items (children's elements) reverse.

Property flex-direction can use 4 values:

  • row : default, left to right
  • row-reverse : from right to left
  • column : from top to bottom
  • column-reverse : from bottom to top

row being the default value, you don't need to use this property if you want your elements to shift from left to right.

4.2 – Flex-wrap

Another Flexbox property that can be very useful to you is flex-wrap. If you add this to the container (to the parent), the child elements will be able to change their behavior of crossing the line.

Property flex-wrap can use 3 values:

flex wrap
  1. nowrap : this is the default value, all items remain on one row
  2. wrap : the elements go to the line, from top to bottom.
  3. wrap-reverse : the elements go to the bottom line to the top.

To use it, simply add the properties you need on the container of your choice. For my example, I edited the column (not the line) and I added the following lines to the tab Advanced > Customize CSS > Main Element :

display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;

nowrap being the default value, you don't need to use this property if you want your items to stay on a single line.

4.3 – Justify-content

This is certainly one of the properties of the Flexbox that I love most and that can save many situations. Property justify-content allows to align the child elements within the parent on a horizontal axis.

In your code, after adding the property display:flex; To the tab Advanced > Customize CSS > Main Element parameters of your container, you can specify Horizontal alignment using the following values:

justify content
  1. flex-start This is the default, you don't have to specify it to align the elements to the left.
  2. flex-end : the children's elements line to the right.
  3. center : the elements are aligned to the center.
  4. space-between : the elements are evenly distributed in the parent container. The first element will stick to the left and the last will stick to the right, the other elements will center equally.
  5. space-around : the elements are evenly distributed in the parent container with an equal space around them.
  6. space-evenly : the elements are distributed so that the spacing between any two elements (and the space at the edges) is equal.

So, for example, center horizontally elements within a container, use this code:

display: flex; 
justify-content: center;

4.4 – Align-items

Property align-items allows tovertically align the child elements within the container.

In your code, after adding the property display:flex; To the tab Advanced > Customize CSS > Main Element parameters of your container, you can specify vertical alignment using the following values:

sign items
  1. stretch This is the default value that allows to stretch the elements to fill the container.
  2. center : the elements are centered on the vertical axis
  3. flex-start : the elements "stick" and line up at the top of the container.
  4. flex-end : the elements "glue" and line at the bottom of the container.

So, for example, focus vertically elements within a container, use this code:

display: flex;
align-items: center;

4.5 – Gap

Finally, to space your elements within a container, you can use the property gap with a value in pixels. For example: gap:30px;

Gap flexbox

Note: Even if Divi indicates that the "gap" property is unknown, it does exist and works!

So, to space 30px elements that follow the line within the same container, use this code:

display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 30px;

5 - Properties for children and their behaviour

We have seen that most properties can be used on the parent container. But the flexbox also allows you to use properties on children's elements. This can be useful in a few cases, depending on your needs.

5.1 – Order

Property order allows to define an order among children. By default, the elements are arranged in the order in which they were placed.


For example, I edited the text module "9" to give it order: -1; As you can see, the 9 came to first position, before all the other text modules.

5.2 – Flex-grow

Property flex-grow allows to "give more space" to a child element.

flex grow

For example, on the above image, I gave a value flex-grow:1; elements 4, 6, 12 and 15. As you can see, these elements with a Flex-grow value are trying to take the entire space available on the line.

Flex grow 1

If you give an identical value (e.g. "1") to each element in the container, they are Share space fairly, by line.

5.3 – Align-self

To vertically align the elements present in a container, the property align-items does the job perfectly. But to make exceptions, you will need to use the property align-self the child element itself.

sign self 2

For example, on the image above, I applied the property align-self:center; at the middle column parameters only.

sign self

On this other image, I applied the property align-self:center; at the parameters of the text module by ensuring that the display:flex; at column level.

Again, we notice that behavior changes if we don't choose the right containers or elements to apply our properties.

Possible values for the property align-self are:

  1. auto
  2. flex-start
  3. flex-end
  4. center
  5. baseline
  6. stretch

6 – Flexbox for Divi: the overview

I have the impression that this article is difficult to understand, especially if you start. But it's not up to you to copy/paste properties within the Divi Builder to activate the flexbox.

Here is a summary:

Valid forOwnershipAvailable values
Containerflex-directionrow : default, left to right
row-reverse : from right to left
column : from top to bottom
column-reverse : from bottom to top
Containerflex-wrapnowrap : default value
wrap : the elements go to the line, from top to bottom.
wrap-reverse : the elements go to the bottom line to the top.
Containerjustify-contentflex-start : default value
flex-end : the child elements line to the right.
center : the elements are aligned to the center.
space-between : the elements are evenly distributed in the parent container.
space-around : the elements are evenly distributed in the parent container with an equal space around them.
space-evenly : the elements are distributed so that the spacing between any two elements (and the space at the edges) is equal.
Containeralign-itemsstretch : default value
center : the elements are centered on the vertical axis
flex-start : the elements "stick" and line up at the top of the container.
flex-end : the elements "glue" and line at the bottom of the container.
Containergap30px (e.g. pixel value)
Elementorder-1, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Elementflex-grow 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Summary of the main flexbox properties for Divi (*the display property offers more values available, but in this article we talk only about the value Flex).

7 - Useful links to go further with the flexbox

I showed you here the main flexbox properties usable within Divi. There are a few more. If you want to explore them, meet here.

Also, I suggest some links/tutorials that may interest you:

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Your comments...

9 Commentaires

  1. Stéphane

    Merci beaucoup, votre présentation est parfaite, j’ai mieux compris l’intérêt des flexbox !

  2. Lycia Diaz

    Merci Stéphane

  3. Cyril

    Merci pour ce très bon article. Je connais et je me sers des flexbox depuis longtemps mais l’article est très clair et bien ordonné. 👍


    Merci beaucoup pour cet article. Je pense qu’il faut le faire (s’entraîner) pour bien se rendre compte les avantages de Flexbox.

  5. Patrick Desnos

    Voila du bel ouvrage de la réflexion et pour nous de la compréhension, je vais aller explorer cela et tester ces possibilités. Encore merci Lycia…

  6. Jérôme

    Encore un article éclairant !
    Merci Lycia

  7. Lycia Diaz

    Merci Jérôme

  8. Lycia Diaz

    Merci Patrick

  9. Lycia Diaz

    Merci Cyril

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