10 site de coaching faits avec Divi

Inspirations: 10 examples of coaching websites made with Divi

Updated on 28/09/2018 | Published on 15/12/2017 | 6 comments

1,133 words


Personal or professional coaching is on the rise... I see it around me, many people decide to set up their own business in order to offer coaching services of all kinds such as personal development coaching, health coaching, financial management coaching, relationship coaching, career coaching and more!

These new professionals then need a showcase to promote their services and try to find clients directly from the web. If you also want to start a coaching business or if one of your prospects calls you to create a website dedicated to his coaching activity, this list of websites will certainly help you inspire and stimulate your imagination. In this article, let's discover 10 examples of coaching websites made with Divi.

sites de coaching faits avec Divi

Find out what you can do with the Divi theme


Announcement: this article contains affiliate links that you will easily recognize. The classic links are in purple and the sponsored links are in pink.



Site Web Coaching - ZenAvion Coaching

The ZenAvion Coaching website offers a homepage composed of a shade of blue. At mouse scrollThe colour fades into a turquoise sea that makes you want to go on holiday. Zen pebbles" overlap two sections of different colours. Then, a background image slightly reveals passport stamps. At the end of the page, three postcards are Call-To-Action that lead to the services offered by the site. The colour code, which ranges from midnight blue to turquoise blue and a pinkish-white colour reminiscent of sand, fits in well with the theme.


2 - WE 2 ME

Site Web Coaching - We 2 Me

The We2Me website uses a nice still image as a Header Hero with a logo overlay that scrolls away with the mouse. Scrolling reveals a quote followed by links to various pages. Each section of the home page is separated by full-screen black and white images that also remain fixed, which makes for a very nice look. The sections use images, text, video, links to news articles, audio, a contact form and Call-To-Action. The site also offers monthly subscriptions which are managed through the WooCommerce extension. The colour code Fuchsia/Black/White is sober and distinguished.



Site Web Coaching - Maxine FriendThe Maxine Friend's website offers a simple but effective home page, and it is immediately clear what this Coach is all about. The full-screen image of the home page is particularly well chosen as it inspires confidence. The small touch of originality lies in the button split into two calls to action. By scrolling down the page, we pass a section with a background image in parallax to get to the services section. What makes the difference with most other websites made with Divi is the footer of this site which is rather well orchestrated and original.



Site Web Coaching - Heidi Rose

The Heidi Rose's website dares a fixed homepage with a full screen image and a call to action button. Clicking on the button takes you to a sober homepage with full-screen images and sections that are very stylish with an original font that is a little difficult to read. The colour code is very elegant with its combination of Peach / White / Black.



Site Web Coaching - Noelle GogginThe Noelle Goggin's website doesn't look like much when you arrive on this rather standard homepage, but when you dig a little deeper, you'll notice a note of sweetness linked to originality. The footer of the site is quite unusual. The ABOUT page is also very nice with many parallax effects.


Read also: 10 website inspirations for restaurants.



Site Web Coaching - Wild Sacred

The Wild Sacred website uses the "nested layout". The structure of the site is divided into two columns with sections that divide the page into a well-orchestrated checkerboard pattern: image on one side and text on the other side and vice versa. What is also very successful is the complete design of the site with these various brush strokes of different colours. The fonts used are sober and the images are beautiful.



Site Web Coaching - Insight Coaching

The Insight Coaching website also uses the "nested layout" but in a customised way as the side margins are thinner than the standard width. A large header with logo is located above the main menu. The rest of the home page is rather basic but all the other pages of the site are consistent with each other. The colour code is sober and reassuring with this soft green as the main note.



Site Web Coaching - Amber Chalus

The Amber Chalus website uses a full screen image with a stylised registration form on the right hand side of the screen. The navigation bar uses the main colour with an opacity that allows the background to be seen, thus blending in with the background... The layouts of the other pages on the site are quite well designed. The site uses soft blues and elegant fonts.



Site Web Coaching - Cortney McDermott

The Cortney Mc Dermott website embeds a YouTube video as a welcome image, followed by a banner of media icons. Three CTAs (calls to action) line up horizontally followed by a full screen image as a testimonial. The blog section uses three clickable images. The footer includes a registration form. The font chosen for the titles is superb, the photos are equally superb, and the colour code is sober and elegant.



Site Web Coaching - Breath and Bliss

The Breathe and Bliss website uses a full-screen background image with a changing message. The brand's logo is stylish and adds a touch to the design of the site. The photos used are beautiful and particularly well chosen. The colour code ranges from blue to green. The site is multilingual and offers a German version.


I want to get Divi now


To conclude...

Design is very subjective and can achieve great things. Each of the sites in this list has its own design, its own touches. Some of them look more professional than others, but that's subjective too... What's your favourite?

Note that you can submit your work to Divi to be featured in a future publication. Use our submission form.


Inspirations Divi - sites de coaching

Inspiration to create your coaching website with Divi


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6 Commentaires

  1. Marie

    Bonjour !

    Merci pour cette sélection super inspirante !
    J’aime tout particulièrement le site de Wild Scared.
    Pouvez-vous m’indiquer de quel Layout il s’agit svp (ou s’il existe un tuto pour obtenir un résultat similaire) ?

    D’avance merci !


  2. Lycia Diaz

    Salut Marie, je pense que c’est du sur mesure… PS : c’est Marie de Carro ? 😉

  3. jas

    Merci pour cette belle sélection inspirantes.
    Je vous suis et merci pour le partage que vous faite sur votre site.

  4. Lycia Diaz

    Merci Jas 😉 !

  5. sylvie

    Je viens de tomber sur votre site et c’est une véritable pépite.
    J’ai une question, comment peut-on savoir si un layout a été utilisé ou pas ? Et comment lequel a été utilisé ?
    Merci 🙂

  6. Lycia Diaz

    Hello Sylvie, on ne peut pas savoir quel est le nom du layout utilisé sur un site Divi. Il est aussi fortement possible que la mise en page ait été créée à partir de zéro.


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