The Divi mode sites offer excellent examples of what can be achieved with this WordPress theme.
Indeed, every hobby or field of activity has its own needs... But Divi adapts perfectly and very easily to all situations.
If you want to realize a fashion site, you should know that it is one of the most popular topics online. There are countless websites about this and to stand out, you need to look out for the visual aspect.
Moreover, fashion industry is always looking for the latest trends. It therefore needs a powerful tool to enhance them. Fortunately, Divi to what it takes to build any type of fashion site.
To help you, here is a selection from the best Divi fashion sites.
There is a little bit of everything: studios, shops, magazines, designer sites and of course blogs.
You can take inspiration from these sites to Use of colour, using images, layout, fonts, etc.
Divi fashion site n°1 : Veronica Ariel

We start very strongly in the Divi fashion sites, with that of the designer Veronica Ariel.
This is a good example of dynamism and simplicity, with a good focus on products and the shop.
From the reception, we discover the designer and her products in a full-page photo showing her in her studio, followed by photos in different formats but arranged with taste and punch!
Call-to-action or a simple click on one of the photos leads directly to the shop.
At the top of the page, menu sticky (with a scroll reduction effect) draws attention to Veronica's Instagram account, where it can follow its news and the beautiful photos of its creations.
Fashion site n°2 : Trishia Grace

Trishia Grace is a fashion designer from West Hollywood. She has developed a functional and sexy clothing brand.
It is therefore the website of his studio and his collection of vintage-style dresses, designed for evening outfits or for more casual moments.
The clothes are hand dyed with interesting patterns and vibrant colors. They are designed to easily marry other clothes.
The welcome, very elegant, highlights Trishia and her creations.
As regards the newsletter registration form, it fits well into the background image. It ends with an elegant footer with social tracking icons And a beautiful background pattern.
The contact form No plan incorporated. Instead, it offers a personalized link to Google Maps.
His menu is simple. There is a link to the shop, blog and contact form. During scrolling, the logo remains in place but the transparent menu becomes shaded.
There is also a nicely stylized section separation. The great advantage of this Divi mode site : it can combine elegance and simplicity, while highlighting the colours of the brand.
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Fashion site #3 : I am Italian

I Am Italian is a magazine specialized in high-end sunglasses and other luxury products made in Italy.
It covers previews, art news, fashion trends, celebrities and glasses they wear, beauty, events, specific brands, etc.
The home page includes a full page with:
- one slider full page under the first menu,
- a second slider of smaller format embedded in the menu pointing to the magazine categories. This full-page category menu for the last tickets is a great find!
Each category points to the corresponding blog articles. The articles themselves cover the subject in detail with lots of photos and videos.
We continue with a subsection that highlights the categories of the blog.
Each block displays the last two tickets in each category, which gives the welcome a nice look of magazine.
The site also uses PrestaShop in a sub-domain dedicated to its commercial part. The link, not too invasive, is in the menu (Shop).
Divi mode site #4 : The Desire

The Desire is a fashion and lifestyle blog created by Cristina Castro in 2013. Like many fashion bloggers, she mainly shares photos of her daily looks.
His blog had several versions and had a great success.
This blogger has collaborated with many fashion industry brands including Vila Clothes, Romwe, Evax, Steve Madden, Lays, Lowlita&you, Dayaday, Designer vintage Loreal, Shein, Liujo, etc.
The home page is clear and without chichis. She highlights the images. It includes:
- thumbnails pointing to the last 4 posts (the blog was put on a break a few months ago and we see that there are two missing pictures of cover, a pity!)
- extracts of posts in full width,
- links to its social networks
- A photo gallery.
The "Looks" page displays blog articles per year as a gallery.
One can discover the evolution of the tastes and style of Cristina, as well as that of fashion trends.
The "My Style" category displays its looks in different contexts, which are all sub-categories (work, casual, special occasions, seventies, etc.).
The content is basically the same as the Looks page, i.e. blog articles, but presented differently. Both approaches are of interest.
The success helped, Cristina even ended up creating her online shop with Divi
- The back button at the top, original. This is a large light green circle with the diamond icon, which represents the blog.
- The superposition over the images, with a large button inside the same large circle and diamond.
Fashion site n°5 : Curto

This site is that of Sara and Angelo Curto, shoemakers in Brig, Switzerland, since 2000.
They manufacture bags, shoes and various leather accessories, such as belts or wallets.
As producers, they also supply a dozen brands.
Angelo and Sara have adopted an aesthetic approach: there are neither pollutants nor toxins in their products.
Curto site is a one design page which opens on a full screen video.
On a storytelling passage, you will find the "business" section, highlighted by a beautiful photo of the couple in their shop.
Follows a full-width slider, which highlights the products, then links to the collections, information about their workshop and its location.
A click on the collections opens on an independent gallery with dynamic display of the products.
This is a good example among Divi mode sites, because it is elegant and the visuals highlight the products and the company.
The use of dynamic galleries and full-width photos contributes to the modernity of the design, without compromising the traditional atmosphere (convenient by the harmonious choice of colours) of the ensemble.
Fashion site n°6 : Susie O

Susie is an online handbag shop.
The choice of products is carefully made : Susie selects "classic but with a little something" bags that distinguish them.
Similarly, the unique sorting tool proposed by the site is unique.
This is the second menu, under the main menu, with a ticky scroll effect.
It has three drop-down menus for which you can navigate very easily through the categories, designers and/or colors of the products.
It remains visible at scrolling and on all pages of the site; its pink color makes it very catchy And we soon want to use it to find out what's available!
Apart from this, the site remains quite classic but functional, with its boutique sections, about, events and contact.
Since the sections are not very well provided (except the shop section), the simple and efficient footer, which includes social network icons and is well connected to the rest of the site, is very quickly reached.
Divi fashion site #7 : Fashion or famine

This is the minimalist option of this list of Divi mode sites !
Fashion Gold Famine is a vintage clothing shop with a very sleek menu and design.
Their site dates a little (it is no longer updated), but it provides a good example of simplicity and efficiency to highlight text and photo content.
The menu contains only two entries: about and contact. The rest of the welcome consists of two columns, the left reserved for banknote extracts and the right, more restricted, centered only on links to the online shop and social networks.
It is therefore a good inspiration for sobriety – such a site also represents the advantage of being extremely simple to achieve with Divi.
Need more inspiration? Discover all the official Divi Showcases.
Review and reflections
These examples of Divi mode sites show that the tool is perfectly suited to this field.
You have seen how varied they are in their style and approach. If you want to make it simple and begin on WordPress and Divi, start with a minimalist site of the type Fashion Gold Famine.
But with a minimum of practice and relying on the resources provided by Astuces Divi, you will quickly be able to realize more complex and dynamic sites like other Divi mode sites of this selection.
So I advise you to go around the list, note the items you like most and apply these ideas to your own creations.
And you, what are your Divi mode sites favorite? Feel free to share your opinions, questions and suggestions in the comments below!
This article was written by David Albert, freelance editor who helps entrepreneurs publish quality content. More information on its website.

merci pour votre très bon article
savez-vous quel module est utilisé dans l’exemple du site n°6 ? surtout la fonction « Tri » sur la home que je trouve intéressante
Salut Stéphane,
Ce n’est pas un module Divi classique. J’ai examiné le code et il ne donne pas d’infos sur un plugin en particulier. On dirait un module custom avec du JS. Je n’ai pas plus d’infos à ce sujet… Désolée.
À bientôt
Hello Lycia 🙂
Je sais que cet article date de 2019, mais pour info (et pour la pertinence de cet article très utile) sur les 7 sites précités, seulement 2 sites sont encore actifs.
P.S: n’hésites pas à supprimer ce commentaire suivant ta convenance 😉
Merci Hervé, tu as raison ! J’ai pris du retard dans les mises à jour de mes articles ! Si des lecteurs passent par là et qu’ils ont des sites à proposer pour remplacer, je suis preneuse 😉