Inspiration: 12 tourist sites made with Divi

Updated on 05/12/19

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The tourist sites should be attractive and "sellers". Opt for the theme Divi then becomes strategic since you can realize all types of websites with !

Between portfolios, designs and various features, this selection shows the extent of what can be done with Divi in the field of tourism.

Some of these tourist sites are pro-agency sites, tour operators, campsites or tourist sites...

So there is also a wide variety of styles and needs.

You can often book online services (cruises, visits, camping sites, etc.).

When the site is attached to a particular place, it is very interesting to see how its design and style give us a taste of escape.

1 – Rock my adventure

Rock Adventure Site

Rock My Adventure is a small tourist agency which offers expeditions to Africa.

Their site takes advantage of Divi with a rich welcome, sections About, Evidence and FAQ, as well as a shop to book online trips.

It harmoniously blends the root and modern sides for an inspiring look!

2 – Busse Camping

Site Busses Camping

Busses Camping is one of the Divi tourist sites that makes the most of this tool.

It promotes a campsite in Fribourg, Germany.

The reception includes superpositions of images and interesting graphic choices for the transition between the different parts.

The sections About and Camping (with video, mini-portfolio and dynamic meters) focus on a highly studied storytelling.

He supports several languages and the possibility to book online. The result is friendly and warm!

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3 – Walk on Kunanyi

Kunanyi Site

Walk on Kunanyi is the site of a small agency that organizes marches on Mount Kunanyi in Tasmania (Australia).

With a coherent design in the shades of the place (green, brown, ochre), it offers sections to present the circuits, the place and the agency.

The blog contains quite few articles, but it is very well presented, with thumbnails on fixed width and variable height, on two columns. It is of course possible to book online.

4 - Hamburg City Tourist Office

Hamburg Tourist Office

Return to Germany with this time a tourist office site – that of Hamburg to be exact.

Their site perfectly reflects the urban atmosphere, with its straight lines and pointed angles and its warm and bright tones.

The reception displays dynamic blocks, with a bottom parallax.

The various sections highlight the practical aspect, with a very pro side (Hamburg is also a very commercial business center).

We'll regret the lack of heat, but we're here on an institutional site – and in this area, it's one of the most successful!

5 – Iceberg Quest Tour

This is clearly one of the Divi tourist sites the most original and dynamic.

Iceberg Quest is a cruise company that offers trips to Arctic seas.

Their site is a bit heavy to load, but the reward is at the rendezvous.

It opens with a dynamic introduction, which follows on a magnificent onepage site predominantly orange and slate.

We are now immersed in the polar seas!

The booking functionality is outsourced to a third party site (bookeo), which I think is a good choice not to overload this site already very impressive.

6 – SeaTREK Helmet Diving

Tourist site Divi : Sea Treck

Agency SeaTREK offers dives with full helmet to walk to the bottom of the water.

This very original concept imposes a site that stands out while clearly exposing the proposed service.

Betting won with a full-page home video, followed by an CTA to discover the activity.

An interactive map completes everything to indicate in which locations you can find SeaTREK.

The discovery continues with a photo gallery and some links to dedicated pages to deepen.

Page contact, sober and efficient, invites to go further and start the experience.

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7 – Egasail Orion

Egasail site

This time it is an agency that offers sailing trips.

Egasail displays in reception one slider full screen, followed by beautiful thumbnails with shadows that evoke the sails and allow to enter the details of the presentation, a full-page video and some additional sections.

The reception may seem a little heavy and lacks a single and clear CTA, but it is still very well achieved: small bonus for Custom header with a offset and rounded logo.

The blog part is sober but little provided.

The company is Dutch, but support for several languages, including English, is provided.

This site is especially marked by its harmony and agreement between the background and the shape, the aesthetic choices and the envy that it gives you to board!

8 – Mykonos Seajets

Seajets site

Another maritime service, this time a day cruise around the island of Mykonos, Greece.

The bias is much more dynamic than that of Egasail. Almost every element has an animation.

It's very well done and very inspiring. Informational content and images make you dream – the latter reveal themselves in lateral openings.

Here, the CTA is clear and makes you want to be tempted: a button with shadow and gradient to reserve your trip at sea.

9 - Zionsville Tourist Office

Location Zionsville

Another fine example is that of the City of Zionsville Tourist Office in Indiana (USA).

How to showcase a small, American suburban town? By focusing on its bucolic and quiet appearance, on history and places where you can spend pleasant moments.

The choice of soft colors contrasts with the choice of angular fonts, which offers a modern and secure rendering.

The various contents (texts, photos, videos, original pictograms) are highlighted by a perfectly balanced dynamism.

Too bad the map proposed on the site is not interactive, but given the size of the city, it was not really necessary.

And this confirms, if necessary, that Zionsville is a little cocoon where you won't get lost!

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10 – Camping Gl Aalbo

Gla-Albo Site

New camping site, very different from the Busses de Fribourg It is located in Denmark and seems larger and more classic.

The activities proposed (fishing, diving, nature walks) also cut off.

The presentation is quite classic, as the target audience is fairly broad and family.

However, the Gl Aalbo The result is very good, with effective pictos, alternating presentation, information, images and a contact form on the front page.

11 – Military Vehicle Tour

Mulitary Vehicle Site

Based in Sydney, Australia, Military Vehicle Tour offers excursions in military vehicles of type Jeep, Rover, etc.

Still a rather original concept and a design very suitable for the service offered.

There is obviously a dominant khaki colour, intelligently enhanced with orange elements (pictos, dividing lines…).

The blog mixes original articles and curation (including to YouTube content) in a very harmonious way.

His presentation is very "magazine" with items in fixed width and variable height, as well as brown-ocre tones for information on sources.

I love this site that knows how to combine military and casual-family sides. I must say that I have a small weakness for this kind of vehicle...

12 – Maru Charters

Mahu Charters site

We're finishing this list of the most beautiful Divi tourist sites with a beautiful sailing cruise site.

It's a little icing on the cake because it cumulates almost all the qualities.

Its one-page design works very well with the input of an inspiring full-page video complemented by a clear overprint call to action.

Then a photo overlapping, wave effects quite in tone, simple and talking pictos.

Not to mention the adapted illustrations such as the boat plan in the section About We already believe it!

And finally a simple and engaging contact form, which – is rare enough to be reported – is perfectly in line with the rest of the site.

To be seen absolutely!

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Last word... on these 12 tourist sites made with Divi

So, what do you think of this list of 12 inspirations?

For my part, I find that it illustrates the many possibilities of the tool.

This theme offers a huge variety and it is very nice to stroll around these sites to draw inspiration or simply enjoy the images...

If you know any other tourist sites made with Divi (whether it's yours or not), don't hesitate to mention it in the comments.

12 tourist sites made with Divi
tourist sites

This article was written by David Albert, freelance editor who helps entrepreneurs publish quality content. More information on its website.

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