Reviews Divi WordPress

My opinion on Divi theme!

Updated on 06/10/19

4350 words

15 minutes of reading

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My opinion of DiviYou already know him, don't you? That's why I asked the Divi users

A few days ago, I sent a newsletter to Divi Tips subscribers. I asked them to become "punctual editor" for blog dedicated to the theme Divi.

If I had published an article that only gave my opinion on the topic DiviIt wouldn't have been very interesting...

No, I wanted to collecting several constructive opinions on Divi, a story that all types of users can express.

For my part, I know WordPress and Divi very well, I give dozens of trainings every year, not to mention the courses I give at the University or the sites I make for my clients. So I really wanted to know how YOU, you use this theme, why, since when and what was your opinion on Divi. I even asked you to give him a note on five...

Many of you have responded to the call and I thank you so much. Your various opinions on Divi and your user profiles could help other beginners make their choice. It's cool.

The average score you rated: 4,45/5

1 – Christine from the travel blog "Roulettes Underfoot"

How and why Divi?

J I found the sites that I had seen under Divi very aesthetically and after taking a tour of the Web, specialists recommended it (like WP Marmit).

My opinion of Divi

Lycia was the "architect" of my site by building it in front of me and training me.

I have experience managing a site on Overblog and that of a site under Joomla.

Divi sometimes disconcertes me a little. But I'm learning little by little. I admit I don't get a hand in it completely, I do maintenance kind of...

I rewrite the texts of my pages for example and I manage with the Visual Builder which sometimes poses problems.

I think I have improved things by following the advice of the Facebook group of Pierre Bichet But I don't need to do more for now.

The plus and minus

Divi's strong point is aesthetic that can be obtained from a website. The concern is that the grip remains rather complicated And today, in the state of my knowledge, I couldn't shake everything up.

My rating: 4/5

Thank you Christine! If I can give you a tip, get your hands on a local test site. You still don't master Divi perfectly because you're afraid to use it on your site in production. You're afraid to make mistakes and I understand you... When you work locally, you have room for manoeuvre that you don't have when you write an online site.

2 – Benjamin Hamel of health website "self cure"

I am passionate about the abilities that the body has to self-heal and more particularly the ability of our brain to influence our physical body.

I took the challenge of publishing 52 book summaries to self-heal, you will be able to find all the information on my website and in parallel with this project, I am training at the PNL (Neuro Language Programming).

How and why Divi?

J because I did not find WordPress themes to my liking.

I've been using Divi for about 4 months, I used it before. Thrive Architect for another one of my sites but this one did not suit me, I found that the construction was not sufficiently intuitive, moreover, the themes of Thrive Architect I quickly stopped using it.

Divi, on the contrary, has seemed much more intuitive and for the moment I have had only very few bugs with, I'm much more satisfied, the grip has been much easier for me!

One of the things that prompted me to go to Divi is that later I could integrate WooCommerce, I had the idea of creating a shop on my site in the future and knowing that Divi integrates this feature has helped me move towards this tool.

Thank you Benjamin and good idea! Especially as the WooCommerce Builder has just been integrated into Divi.

Personally on DIVI price Don't throw me away and being able to have a technical VAS behind is quite reassuring!

What I like about DIVI:

Undoubtedly the ultimate customisation of websites! We can really do what we want and, again, it's only been a very short time since I used it... I hope to improve as it is used and learn more and more!

What I don't like:

Sometimes I dries on some things, for example when I write an article I post a video at the top of this article and it doesn't appear when it opens the category where my articles are displayed, while as soon as the article is opened the video is displayed, I guess that over time I would find out where it comes from.

My note:

If I were to award a rating to Divi I would give him 4/5, the DIVI Builder and the DIVI theme are really very good but nothing is never really perfect, in any case it is for me the best Builder on the market!

I hope my opinion will have helped you in your choice, @beintime.

3 – The opinion of ProjectIngridCreation

I have been a WebMaster in self-business since 2010. I create showcase sites and small e-commerce sites.

I'm in charge of design until SEO and SEA SEO.

The first site I have realized with DIVI date from 2016 My cousin who's in the game had told me about DIVI, I tried it and adopted it!

Why choose Divi?

I now use the theme Divi on WordPress professionally, for the creation of all my websites showcases. In parallel, I use PrestaShop for e-commerce sites.

Divi and Divi Builder: What I think!

At the beginning of the "From Scratch" sites (I did developer studies), I had trouble getting started at CMS...

But by the force of things, the ease of integration and the potential of content management, I ended up joining WordPress.

The Divi theme was a revelation to me, a new way of working that saves a lot of time while leaving great latitude to creativity.

The Divi price may seem high but when used to create several sites, the Lifetime license Really worth the cost.

The plus and minus:

Using only the Divi theme allows me to save a lot of time while creating different sites from each other thanks to the flexibility of the Builder and my knowledge of CSS.

The new Visual Builder is very practical, it has revolutionized my way of creating websites, it's a child's play!

Too bad, however, that there are no more modules, which would make it possible to be even more creative in the construction of the site.

My note: 4/5 - I highly recommend using Divi!

Thank you Ingrid, theme Divi already has 46 modules Not to mention those for WooCommerce that have been added recently. We can hope to see new ones coming soon, since dozens of updates are made every month ;-). In my opinion, the blog module should be improved as a matter of priority.

4 -Aurélie Leverrier du site Web-design-creations

I have been freelance for only a few months (May 2019) following a professional conversion. I started out with very little experience, but thanks to sharing good practices like your blog, I learn every day.

My opinion of Divi:

I've been using Divi as a professional since the beginning of 2019 on the advice of a webmaster friend.

I tested other WordPress themes before but I adopted Divi because it's a very practical theme When you know him well.

At first, it's a little obscure because there are so many possibilities that you can feel a little overtaken.

But in fact, it really makes it possible to customize the sites from scratch.

Divi offers great freedom of creation And that's what I appreciate. For testing other themes, each time I found myself limited, which was never the case with Divi.

The real advantage of Divi :

What I appreciate is its flexibility and the many tips and tricks that can be found on this topic. This allows me to learn and move forward.

My note: 5/5, because frankly, I don't see much to say about Divi!

PS: Thanks for your benevolence, this is not the case for all communities, where a beginner who asks a question can easily be criticized.

Thank you to Aurélie! On Divi Tips, there's something for every taste! Beginners are obviously welcome, knowing that I, too, have galled at my beginnings so I understand you!

Do you know you can test Divi for free? See you on this page and click on "TRY IT FOR FREE"

5 – Jean-Luc Robert du site Info-System

I am Freelance web part-time for now (about 20%), with the aim of increasing this rate, to decrease my occupancy rate at my current job.

I've been using Divi since 2018. At first it was personal but now it became professional.

Why Divi? I chose Divi after reading an article on WPMarmite.

What I like about Divi:

  • You buy the theme and you have the page builder included.
  • If you create sites for your clients, you take the Lifetime license and is quickly profitable.
  • You only form a single WordPress theme. In my case, I took the training of Nicolas Richer d'ElegantSchool, which saved time.
  • You can create sites with different designs.
  • This theme evolves very regularly: Given the number of updates (sometimes several per week), I think it's a great work tool.

Of course it is not free from defects, for example the form module does not offer enough options, compared to other extensions. I install Contact Form 7 and then j

Which I like less:

I hated the problem of loading the Builder but since version 3.29.3 it seems solved.

My note:

As I have not yet a great WordPress experience (only 3 years), and as I have not had the opportunity to know many different themes, my note may not be very objective: 5/5

Thank you Jean-Luc. Indeed, the theme Divi offers many advantages that others do not propose. And as you say, the Lifetime license is really beneficial to the pros of creating websites.

6 - Marie of the creative leisure blog "The soul of the hand"

My name is Marie and I have created a blog on creative leisure (especially creative notebooks, mixed media and creativity, for those to whom it talks 的 ).

My first intention was to share my tips and artistic discoveries. So I was oriented towards a free theme but quickly I felt limited in functionality.

Then little by little, my online project took a more concrete turn and I decided to make it my main activity. This is what prompted us to choose a premium theme that can adapt in time to the development of my activity.

My opinion, Divi:

I first started with the Theme Extra However, the French-speaking community of Extra is unfortunately not very developed!

I had difficulty customizing certain elements without going through CSS (such as footer...). So I ended up Resign and finally, I don't regret it!

I can easily import templates (layouts) for my pages and customize them with my own photos.

After a few tutos, I found the builder quite easy to take charge of. Once we understand how the modules work, the layout is intuitive.

The plus and minus:

Divi is completely responsive and it is possible to issue a conditional logic to display certain items only on computer (Desktop) in order not to hinder navigation on mobile, it is convenient to optimize referencing.

On the other hand it happens to have bugs to display between my admin version and the visitor page, or on the display of my fonts...

But I think the fact of having changed theme several times before going to Divi does not help to have a very clean code...

Finally, the fact that Francophone community Divi be reactive and help me greatly to find solutions to my problems and to advise me on the best compatibilitys between plugins (thanks Lycia !).

And we must not forget the support for Elegantthemes which is super reactive and always gives a solution to set up.

The theme is regularly updated and new features appear over time. It is therefore a theme that constantly evolves and adapts!

My note: 4/5

Thank you Marie for your detailed review of Divi. Too bad for Extra, it's a good magazine theme but you haven't lost anything at all, in my opinion,

get Divi - get Divi

7 - David Coudray of the ProServ Company

For over 18 years, I worked in a computer maintenance company in Île de France. During these many years, I have carried out several missions:

  • Technician,
  • Technical Manager,
  • Technico-commercial,
  • Project Manager.

Now, father of 3 children: to disconnect from the screens, I do car mechanics, electrical work and general refreshment.

How and why Divi:

I have opting for Divi early 2019 This is my first theme and I use it personally and professionally.

The choice of theme is crucial... As much as a plugin changes easily, so much for its theme, it's like you sign a contract with it. You take your cues and habits that are hard to change into a finger slap!

What leaned in the balance is that I was looking for a theme with a Visual Builder so that the customer can easily make some modifications.

Actually, I didn't know the Page Builder. Elementor when Divi was chosen (y was lost in the mass), but many were in my field of vision.

My opinion of Divi:

Personally, I like the Elegant Themes pricing policy, even if the licences remain a little higher than the others in general.

But the Life license is interesting, especially for a professional.

Another highlight is that the updates quickly succeed each other by bringing new features that are equally interesting and important to each other...

The blog part of Elegantthemes website is also very informative, even though I still have not understood how to subscribe to their different Newsletters.

Unfortunately not enough content in French except some blogs like Tip Divi 😉

Advantages and disadvantages

I like it. Visual Builder in its entirety, contrary to the theme which cruelly lacks customizations (unfortunately, there is still much improvement to perfect it).

A lack of parameters on some modules and several types of modules could be added as a vertical slider1 carousel image (without trier plugin) etc.

But we agree that today, the page builder is really operational, even more!

My note:

  • The Divi Builder: 4,3 (the perfect one doesn't exist)
  • The Theme itself: 3,2 for a paid theme is the Loose (happily) Divi theme child correct a few small things for neophytes).

Thanks again, David. You're right, the Divi theme is simple. On the contrary, I see a great advantage, it's a strength! Themes Gas plant are usually heavy, the more options there are, the more complicated it is to set (example OceanWP, to quote only him). So, yes, the Divi theme is pretty basic but the Visual Builder is precisely for that. And it will make sense when the Theme Builder (Divi 4.0). This is also the choice made by the developers ofElementor Pro which also encoded the Hello theme This is the most basic theme that can exist! Zero option, nothing, nada: everything is to be built with the builder.

8 - Maël du site Metodo

I'm a digital communications consultant with my partner. We help entrepreneurs to tell their business online.

This is done with a communication strategy, the production of web content (articles, videos, newsletters) and through in-company training.

How and why Divi?

We have been using Divi on a personal basis (on our own site) for about a year, but I do not exclude the idea of doing so on a pro basis, given the number of requests I receive to make sites.

Looking at what was best, Divi's name came back several times.

I was very attracted to being able to build the site (in WYSIWYG), without going through a text editor.

And then, by going on the site dI saw they were doing an end of year promo That was really worth it. It was almost half price: extra reason to try adventure.

My opinion about Divi:

I was blogging on my own website in 2012, which I then closed to travel.

Back in 2019, I was wondering if things had changed and with Divi, it really was!

The fact that you can build your site on the page: it's an old dream that comes true...

I particularly appreciate Lifetime offer which allows you to pay only once and to have access to interesting and useful services such as Monarch or Bloom For example.

In customer support, they're pretty cool and sometimes help when it comes to code and it's complicated: it takes them two and a half seconds and it saves me crazy time!

The Divi Builder is designed to be used by a ten-year-old child (should really try to check it and allow, in a very short time, to build about what you want. It is this simplicity and ergonomics that I appreciate.

On the other hand, there's only one thing I hate: it's a bug that recently appeared and didn't exist before. When you write to the site, the mouse cursor automatically moves to the top of the section. Which means it's writing up instead of where we want, anyway... So to avoid these unnecessary steps, I don't write anymore from the site and go through the editor, which is a shame because it's the feature that I liked most, as explained above.

My note:

I admire people who save me time (just like Astuces Divi) and since I am not resentful of the many nerve attacks that Divi may have caused (I put this on the beginner's account), I would 5/5. But because of the bug that doesn't seem to fix, I'm going down to 4,5/5.

Thank you, ma'am. It is true that since 2012, the design of websites has changed! Divi was launched in December 2013 but it is only in 2016 that Divi will offer the functionality of Visual Builder

Try Divi

9 - Opinion of Geoffrey Pin

I have been freelance web since 2019, I accompany customers to improve their visibility and reach their potential target.

The purpose of all this? Get customers nothing more. Visibility is just a springboard. But optimising the conversion rate is the real thing. KPI a SEO consultant.

How and why Divi?

I have been using Divi for my own website since July 2018: my entourage, made up of SEO and developers, recommended this theme.

Finally, I find it very useful, very design and simple for a layman as an intermediate user. Besides, the design is unlimited!

In my opinion:

The Divi Builder is simple, quick to set up and Totally flexible. All ideas can be shaped. Too bad a feature to apply the same mass format on several hundred pages is not offered. Nevertheless, I have seen no problem since I used it.

So, to sum up: simplicity, professional look, ergonomic but may not be technical enough (difficult to customize certain elements despite the options: a few small constraints). Overall, I am very pleased with this theme.

My note: 4,5/5

Thanks, Geoffrey. If you're SEO, this article for make Divi SEO-Friendly might be of interest to you

10 – Sylvie de Sylbohec : his opinion on Divi

Since 2009, I have been freelance for operational marketing and web. From logo to plaque, I also create websites for my clients with WordPress and Divi, among others. So I use Divi in a professional and personal capacity.

Since when, Divi?

I've been using Divi for only 2 years: 1 customer and one partner have talked about it all at once and as I'm curious about new technos, I tested... and finally adopted it quickly!

Opinion Divi:

I hesitated at first and tested for a few weeks. I was convinced by the ease of use, the enormous technical possibilities (or not), the well thought out development for the uninformed users and at the same time the pros of development.

When I see all the regular updates, it's really powerful!

Divi: the most and the least

For the advantages, I would say that the interface is very easy to use, regular updates make the tool evolve, the tutos proposed give the dimension of the power of the system and its price... for life !

Ah yes, and also the support... even if the time zone gives us answers in the evening, they are in the box and have great help!

As far as defects are concerned, I have some problems with the display (due to my browser or maybe something else) and sometimes it's a bit of a mess to make changes. Not to mention all the possibilities and countless options that make you sometimes lose your mind...or forget them.

My note: On a scale from 1 to 6... Divi is worth at least 7 !!!

Thank you, Sylvie. It's true that Learning from Divi asks for a small period of adaptation, but after all rolls up. I also agree with you that Divi is suitable for both beginners and developers.

11 - Hervé

I am Hervé and I have already realized a site for an association under WordPress with the theme Enfold de Kreisi.

For 3 months, I have been building a personal site in local with WordPress and Divi.

Divi's strengths:

  • Reactivity for bug fixes
  • Ongoing.
  • Many possibilities
  • Multiple settings.

Divi's weak points:

I appreciate the possibilities that this theme offers, however, I find that the annual subscription is a little expensive and that it is long enough to manage all the settings available in the Visual Builder... But this makes it its strength for maximum customization!

My note: 4/5

Thank you Hervé... When will the site be posted?

Thank you for sharing your opinion on Divi!

This article lists 11 opinions Divi from various user profiles.

I would like to point out that I did not select the emails I received and that all the answers were published in this article (no filter).

So a priori, Divi is pretty much appreciated and obtains a average rating of 4.45/5 based on these 11 reviews.

And with version 4.0 which is getting ready, the theme Divi can only improve... The future will tell us!

I still thank all the subscribers who responded present for this participative article.

opinion on Divi
Divi: user reviews

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