Divi Tips No. 89

Inspiration: 9 examples of Divi food sector sites

Updated on 12/02/20

2272 words

8 reading minutes

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Today we are going to discover the most beautiful food sector divi sites !

If your professional activity is related to food and/or drink – or simply if you love it – you will see that Divi allows to make exceptional sites around this theme.

This list of examples mainly includes professional sites: bakeries, coffee shops, restaurants, online food sales... And you will see that Divi adapts perfectly to all these situations.

For examples of restaurants sites made with DiviThis way!

Food Sector Divi Sites #1: Bean on the Green

Bean on the Green : food web site

We start all in beauty and originality this selection of the best Divi sites in the food sector, with Bean on the Green.

It is a Coffee Shop independent located in York, Great Britain. A wide selection of coffees and hot drinks, as well as dishes and sweets, is offered by the property.

Bean, it's the grain (of coffee), Green, it's the greenery...

The choice of site colors The result is partly: green in secondary and two unusual primary, a brown pulling at the purple and a red pulling at the brown (recalling that bean also means red bean)!

From this first observation, one can see the care given to the visual identity of the brand.

Iconography also deserves to be observed. We have a tone rather girly who well aligns with the selected shades.

The shapes are round, with pictos that lug towards the cartoon. Very free green curves connect the different sections of a page.

All these choices reveal an image of proximity and sympathy, which goes quite with the spirit of the establishment as described in the site.

Among the plugins used for this site are:

  • Simple Social Buttons
  • Enjoy Instagram Instagram Responsive Images Gallery And Carousel

See website.

Food Sector Divi Sites #2: Milkin More

Milkin'More site food sector made with Divi

Milkin More is a eTrade which proposes recipes to stimulate the production of breast milk, but also baby food. Their food products, based on natural foods, are designed to be healthy and nutritious.

This highly advanced concept is served by a cleverly studied design. The white colour dominates, of course. As for the fonts, that of the titles is round and thick, the secondary ones also have rounded shapes – which also reminds of pregnancy, another dominant theme of the brand.

The separators within each section They also evoke this "milky" effect with a white wave effect while in soft curves.

The welcome opens on a full page image and the dynamic appearance of white waves. Several parts follow:

  • a slogan, very well highlighted by the size of the title font and the radical counting around it
  • a full-width photo in length, preceded and followed by separators
  • an extract from the catalogue with a menu to filter the product selection
  • another full-width image with a commercial argument inscribed in a large, overlapping white drop
  • other trade arguments in two separate parts
  • community testimony
  • a registration form for the mailing list.

The shop is powered by WooCommerce. Note the use of the following other plugins in the different parts of the site:

  • Sticky Menu Gold Anything On Scroll
  • Popups
  • Woocommerce Products Filter
  • 1 Instagram Feed
  • WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Card
  • MailChimp For WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce Gateway Paypal Express Checkout
  • Divi_woo_layout_injector
  • Myworks Woo Sync For Quickbooks Online

Discover the site.

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Best Feeding Sites Under Divi #3 : 31 The Quay

Site made with Divi : 31 The Quay

Thirty One The Quay is a restaurant located in North Shield, not far from Newcastle, England.

The colours of the site stick perfectly to the place:

  • a blue dominant for proximity to the river which is reflected on the large windows of the establishment,
  • and a soft grey as secondary color, which recalls its modern brushed metal architecture.

The reception displays a slider full page with beautiful pictures.

Note the CTA at the top left to book. This position is in my opinion questionable, because a good call to action should jump in the eye... However, let us assume that a visitor who would seek to book a table from the start would find this feature without too much difficulty when arriving on their site.

Scrolling leads us to a description of the restaurant, followed by invitations to visit the content of the site (menu, events, private reservation for a great occasion or a business event...).

The layout of this section is interesting. It offers a first item in full width, followed by three images occupying a third of the screen width. It's a nice way to highlight photos.

The reception ends with a registration form for mailing list the establishment and finally by a beautiful quadrulle full width as a footer.

The first quarter shows the coordinates of the restaurant and the next three are as many sliders displaying beautiful pictures of kitchens. We find this very successful footer in other sections of the site.

These other sections are quite classic, but just as neat. Note the perfect integration of Google Maps in full width in the contact part.

From an aesthetic point of view, 31 The Quay is irreproachable, and that is what it is worth to be included in this list of the most beautiful sites Divi on food products.

Notable plugins used:

  • All in one SEO pack
  • Bloom

See website.

Food Divi Sites #4 : Jouw Dag

Jouw Dag food website

Jouw Dag is an online bakery located in Sassenheim, Netherlands. In terms of design, their site stands out a lot from the rest of our selection of Divi food sector sites.

This choice of colours and fonts is not often seen in English- and French-speaking countries. And I think they are a wonderful reminder of the Dutch atmosphere:

  • Pale yellow and light grey for colours. Two shades quite close but that respond well. A slightly more classical pale blue completes them in secondary tint.
  • Angular fonts and pictograms at a time when curves dominate.
  • Right separators and straight cuts between the parties.

It's square, no shit. It shows a sense of order, seriousness and... hygiene. Everything is in its place, one feels the professionalism and rigor mixed with the benevolence of the Nordic countries.

With regard to the various sections of the site, there is also a lot of disorder. The shop is perfectly integrated into the site.

Discover this site.

Mouth Product Sites with Divi #5 : Perfect Pizza

Perfect Pizza

We go across the globe with the Perfect Pizza, Australian site dedicated to a mini-group of two pizzerias. It has its place in our selection of the best Divi sites in the food sector, as it shines with its simplicity and dynamism.

Welcome presents the brand Perfect Pizza and opens on two separate pages, each dedicated to one of the restaurants. These two pages are very similar, with the parts that sequence in the same order.

Two interesting points to note.

First of all the game of colors. Each pizzeria has its color, green for one, red for the other. The home page uses both colors as it talks about the whole brand. However, each page dedicated to a restaurant uses only its colour.

Then note the amount of dynamic elements that appear on scrolling. This gives a lot of life to this site, without affecting its readability. The fact that the content is very basic and goes straight to the essential is for many.

It is of course possible to order pizzas online, but this is done through Menulog, an external platform managed by Just Eat.

Among the notable plugins of the Perfect Pizza site are:

  • WP Rocket
  • Yoast SEO

See website.

Food sector divi sites #6 : Luv A Coffee

Food sector website: Luv a Coffee

Let's stay a little in Kangaroo country for this. site dedicated to a coffee shop Emerald (Queensland, Australia). This is a very nice site page with a clean design.

We start with the full-page logo, followed by sections focused on the map (breakfast, lunch, kids, drinks).

The site ends with the contact part (visit us) with a fairly classical contact form and a google map full width.

I like:

  • background photos to separate sections
  • the full width mini-gallery between the drink part and the contact part
  • the sticker menu that refocuss during scrolling and erasing social network buttons

Of course, they are found at the end, with the coordinates of the establishment.

The success of the site Luv A Coffee Its simplicity and consistency are very important. The essential is there, no unnecessary content, a presentation both sober, efficient and aesthetic

Noteworthy plugin used: Food Menu Pro.

Discover the site.

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Food Sector Sites under Divi #7: Buttermilk Sky Pie Shop

Buttermilk Sky

Let's change the hemisphere again and cross an ocean... And let's go this time to the southern United States where we find a small chain of tea/coffee shops: Buttermilk Sky.

Their Divi site is a great success, for several reasons:

  • full-width video from home, very well done and highlighted
  • soft and progressive display of images during scrolling
  • A very nice selection of photos
  • the full page google map that allows you to select your store to order online with a few clicks (the order itself is outsourced to a third-party platform)

We still stay on very classic overall: a small American chain that uses proven marketing and storytelling tools.

However, I really appreciate the mix between dynamism and sweetness, as well as the "Southern tradition" effect that the chain manages to generate in the visitor!

Notable plugins:

  • Yoast
  • Magnific Popup

See this site.

Food sales divi sites #8 : Pearls Seafood Market

Food Sector Divi Site

We are now joining Louisiana, where Danielle and Jason Martin have opened a seafood store: Pearls Seafood Market. They offer not only the services of a fish shop, but also a restaurant.

The reception of their site opens onto a slider and continues with a small presentation on background of wavelets in paralyx.

The colours – yellow, blue green and brown – are surprisingly well combined. They contribute to the originality of the site, as is also the case for angular fonts without MS and effects of wear or frost on some background.

As far as content is concerned, it goes to the essential with rather short but effective pages. The nice part is made of menus and product lists.

I was surprised at the lack of a contact form, but after all it makes sense for a local business. The emphasis is therefore on location and telephone. A google map is of course integrated into the contact part of the site.

Notable plugin: Yoast SEO.

Discover the site.

Examples of Food Sector Sites #9: Cider Tonic

Cider Tonic: Divi Food Sector Sites

Let's give Australia a last detour! Cider Tonic is an eBoutique of cider vinegar. It is produced according to permaculture principles (this method of organic and sustainable farming is quite widespread in Australia, because it was invented there).

The smartphone version of the site is particularly successful. This is also true for the computer version, much less for the tablet version: the home menu overflows on two lines and takes too much space. Apart from this small defect that does not concern all users, it is a faultless one.

The gold colour on a white background evokes both cider and luxury products. This is good because we are at the crossroads of these two categories.

As for WooCommerce, it integrates into the site discreetly and efficiently.

Notable plugins:

  • WooTrade
  • Mailchimp for WooCommerce

See website.

Need more inspiration? Discover all the official Divi Showcases.

Conclusion and final reflections

This concludes this small tour of the world of the most beautiful Divi sites in the food sector.

As you can see, there is something for all tastes and styles. Whatever your food trade, whether you are selling on site and/or online, Divi provides you with all the tools you need to build an aesthetic and performance site.

I would like to point out that the sites of this selection are presented without any particular order. If I had to comment on those who were most pleased, I would place in the top trio Buttermilk Sky Pie Shop, 31 The Quay and Perfect Pizza (for its simplicity and inventiveness in the use of colours).

And you, which of these Divi food sector sites Did you prefer? Don't hesitate to let us know in the comments!

Similarly, if you have a Divi site to propose in this topic, do not hesitate to submit it in the com.

This article was written by David Albert, freelance editor who helps entrepreneurs publish quality content. More information on its website.

Website food made with Divi
Food sector divi sites

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