Divi Tips 98 : projet Divi

Divi Project: what is it for?

Updated on 12/07/2021 | Published on 17/06/2020 | 16 comments

1,226 words


What is a "Divi Project"? When and why use them? Many of you have asked me this. And many of you also tell me that there are not many results on this subject on Google...

Maybe because those who have been using WordPress for a long time have understood their usefulness? Or maybe because they are "us eless"? (LOL!)

I will tell you more in this article...

Announcement: this article contains affiliate links that you will easily recognise. The classic links are in purple and sponsored links are in pink.

1 - What is a Divi Project?

A "Divi Project" is a type of dynamic publication that behaves in the same way as Articles.

This means that a Divi Project can be assigned Categories and Tags - which give rise to an archive page - as opposed to Pages which are so-called "static" publications.

Like the ArticlesEach time you publish a Divi Project, it will be dynamically displayed on the Projects page at the top of the list.

The Projects page then behaves in the same way as a Blog page.

In fact, a "Divi Project" is nothing more than a "Custom Post Type " (CPT).

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2 - What is a Custom Post Type (CPT)?

A Custom Post Type, or CPT, is a custom publication type. WordPress comes with 2 publication types by default: posts and pages.

What do you do when you need to publish content that has nothing to do with blog posts or site pages? Well, that's when you need to create a new publication type: a new Custom Post Type.

Thanks to this new type of content, you will be able to publish your specific content.

However, it is not so easy to create a new type of content, especially if you get started with WordPress and Divi ! This requires custom development and/or the use of a specialised extension: Custom Post Type UI (CPTUI).

To learn more, you can read this tutorial that I published on WP Formation and which proposed a use of ACF with CPTUI.

This is why the Divi theme natively embeds a custom publication type that is neither a Page nor an Article: it is a Project.

With Divi Projects, you don't need to code a new CPT within your site because it is already present and active.

Did you know that you can test Divi for free? Go to this page and click on "TRY IT FOR FREE

3 - When should the "Project" publication type be used?

This is the question I am often asked: what are Divi Projects for and when should I use them?

My answer is going to be simple: if you don't feel the need to use a custom publication type, then you certainly don't need to use Divi Projects.

However, depending on the needs of your site, Divi Projects can be useful in many cases...

This type of custom publication is called "Project" to refer to a web project. I imagine that Divi was originally launched to cater to a market of web freelancers: webmasters, SEO agencies, freelancers, graphic designers, etc. So these users could use Divi Projects to display their work, the so-called "Portfolio".

But let's not close our eyes: just because this Custom Post Type is called "Project" doesn't mean it can't be used for other purposes! Here are a few examples of use:

  • A real estate site: you can use your Pages for the structure of the site, Articles for real estate advice and Projects to display the latest real estate ads.
  • A food blog : Pages are used to create the structure, Articles are used to publish recipes and Projects can promote culinary events.
  • A coaching site in makeover : Pages for structure (again!), Articles for makeover advice and Projects to create a portfolio of makeovers already done.

I'll stop here for the examples because I'm sure you've understood!

But I also believe that these examples may raise another question: why use a Divi Project when I could very well mix my tips and my realisations within the blog by using Categories to separate the themes ???

This time it is up to you to answer this question! It's all about the structure of the site. And beware, the structure of a site has a lot to do with your SEO ! So think carefully.

A little hint to make your choice: if you think you will publish 4 projects and they will remain 4 "forever", then these Projects deserve to be published in Pages. If, on the other hand, you are thinking of publishing Projects on a regular basis and they have nothing to do with your blog posts, then you have probably made the right choice.

4 - How to use Divi Projects?

A Divi Project is created in the same way as an article or a page. Go to the Projects > All Projects tab to find the list of projects already published or waiting to be published.

You can add a new Divi Project by clicking on "Add new".

Projets Divi
Add a new Divi Project

When creating a Divi Project, you will find the same interface as for an article... You will be able to :

Creer Un Projet Divi
Manage Divi Projects as an Article or Page

There is nothing complicated about creating, publishing or using a Divi Project...

Finally, you can display your projects in this way:

  1. Add/create a page dedicated to your projects, e.g. a Portfolio page (or a "Real Estate Sales" page, a "Our Projects" page, etc.) and activate the Divi Builder.
  2. Insert a Portfolio module or a Filterable Portfolio module.
  3. Set up the content of the module (categories, elements, etc.)
  4. Set the Style options. The Grid template is often nicer.
  5. Check the rendering of the Divi Projects display and continue building your layout (Layout).
1 Ajout Portfolio
Step 1: Add a Projects page
2 Ajout Module Porfolio
Step 2-3-4: Setting up the Portfolio module
5 Portfolio
Step 5: finishing the layout.

Don't delay! Discover the Divi theme here !

5 - Tips for improving the design of the Portfolio module

However, it is possible that the visual rendering of your Divi Projects page will not meet your expectations... Indeed, the style options of the Portfolio module are simple and you don't have much choice. It is possible that your images are croppedfor example...

I then propose a list of resources to go further in the design of the Divi Portfolio module, the one that displays your Divi Projects:

So, with this playlist, you can create a great Portfolio page!

A Quoi Servent Projet Divi
Projet Divi C Est Quoi

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16 Commentaires

  1. Denis

    Encore un superbe article qui répond effectivement à des questions que tout le monde se pose (enfin se posait avant de lire cet article) ;).
    Merci pour ce partage.

  2. Lycia Diaz

    Merci Denis

  3. Alexandre

    J’ai créer une page d’acceuil pour mon site dans la catégorie « projet » et maintenant j’aimerai convertir cette page projet en « page classique » pour qu’elle remplace ma page d’accueil actuelle… comment faire ?
    Merci de votre aide
    Un fidele lecteur

  4. Lycia Diaz

    Salut Alexandre. Je serais toi, j’enregistrerai la mise en page de ton projet dans la bibliothèque Divi puis ensuite, je créerais une page dans laquelle j’importerais la mise en page, enregistrée précédemment. Ensuite tu peux jeter ton projet et faire une redirection de l’URL vers ta page d’accueil. N’oublie pas non plus de modifier les réglages de WordPress pour indiquer quelle est ta nouvelle page d’accueil.

  5. Presles

    Hello Lycia.

    J’espère que tu vas bien et que cette nouvelle année t’apportera un jolie lot de joies en tous genre.
    A propos des projets justement, qu’en est t’il quand par exemple, tu voudrais que ta dernière créa (projet donc)s’affiche dans tes Actus (blog, article donc), j’avais déjà remarqué par le passé que les catégories des articles ne peuvent pas se mélanger avec ceux des projets. Connais tu l’astuce 😉


  6. Lycia Diaz

    Salut Delphine,
    Merci pour ton message et très bonne année à toi aussi.
    Je te confirme que l’on ne peut pas mixer les publications provenant de divers types de postes. Les articles vont dans le blog et les projets vont dans l’archive des projets.
    Tu devrais alors tricher : si vraiment tu veux publier un article qui mène à l’un de tes projets, pourquoi ne pas faire une redirection ? Tu publies un article vierge (avec seulement une image mise en avant et un extrait) et tu fais une redirection vers ton projet, ainsi ton projet s’affiche quand même dans ta page du blog. Je ne vois que cette solution. Encore faut-il vérifier si c’est faisable, je n’ai jamais tenté.
    Je ne suis pas sûre qu’on puisse coder un snippet qui permette ce dont tu as besoin car c’est très particulier… Peut-être que des dev qui passeront par là pourront te le confirmer…
    À bientôt

  7. delphine

    Merci Lycia. À la prochaine 🙂

  8. Gentil

    Bonjour, très bon article de présentation mais j’ai une petite question un peu + compliquée… j’ai créé sur un site avec Divi un custom post type en + de projet (besoin de deux types différents poru une bonne organisation) et je voudrais utiliser la même mise en page de base avec Divi poru mon nouveau custompost type. Hors à la base il s’affiche en single comme des articles (titres, image, colonne à droite…). J’arrive bien à créer une nouvelle présentation grâce au thème builder mais pas aussi simple que pour les projets… n’y a t’il pas une solution simple pour que mon nouveau post type utilise le même gabarit de page single que mes projets ? Merci.

  9. Lycia Diaz

    Salut Gentil, c’est une bonne question et malheureusement je n’ai pas la réponse. Je crois que c’est normal que le CPT duplique la mise en page des articles et non des projets. Mais je ne sais pas comment on pourrait dupliquer celle du projet et je crois ne jamais avoir lu de tuto à ce sujet. Désolée ;-(

  10. Mln


    Merci pour cet article 🙂

    Est-ce que l’on peut afficher les projets en pop-up dans le module portefeuille ?

  11. Lycia Diaz

    Tu auras besoin d’un plugin je pense

  12. Naseeb


    how to redirect project tags to main home page, archive page style is very bad in divi

    thank you

  13. Lycia Diaz

    Hello, You can redirect with a plugin like « Redirection » for example. Or you can style archive page with Theme Builder 😉

  14. Edgar de la mora

    Hola, excelente explicación conforme a los CPT.

    De verdad me gastaría saber como convertir una pagina o entrada en proyecto, claro esta que guardar la entrada o pagina en la biblioteca no es factible por que serian cientos de paginas a convertir para 1 solo proyecto.

    gracias por su apoyo.

  15. Lycia Diaz

    Hola Edgar. Hay un complemento que te permite cambiar entre tipos de publicaciones para convertir una página a CPT, un artículo a una página o lo contrario… ¿Quizás esto es lo que necesitas? : https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-type-switcher/

  16. Edgar de la Mora

    Hola Lucía Diaz, te agradezco tu respuesta, el plugin pos-type-switcher funciona excelente, ayuda a convertir con un par de clics los CTP.

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